The Shift Is Happening Now

Ascentie en leven in een bijzondere tijd

De mensheid is de laatste 20-30 jaar massaal spiritueler geworden. Dit is niet zo verwonderlijk want we leven in een bijzondere tijd: we leven in een overgangstijd, een tijdperk van Transitie. De overgangsfase van 3D naar 5D is de verandering waarin wij mensen meer de liefdesenergie gaan ervaren. Van een 3 dimensionale wereld, met 3 werkende chakra’s, naar een verhoogde vorm van leven via de vierde dimensie, via de groei van het hart chakra, naar leven vanuit liefde en vrij expressie geven vanuit liefde. De instroom van hoogfrequente energie -van liefdesenergie- is volop aan de gang en wordt enkel maar sterker in de jaren die komen, tot we helemaal aangepast en getransformeerd zijn en in de allerhoogste Fotonen energie kunnen leven en genieten.


In tegenstelling tot 30 jaar geleden is het nu duidelijk dat dit niet een individueel proces is van Verlichting. Het is niet zo dat ieder voor zich deze weg zou kunnen gaan als die persoon daar voor kiest en daar naar gaat leven. Nee. Terwijl dit de laatste 2000 jaar wel zo was.

Maar nee, nu is het niet de persoonlijke Verlichting of het vinden van het Christusbewustzijn of  Boeddhaschap voor enkelen wat mogelijk is. Nee, nu is het voor velen bereikbaar. Ieder mens heeft een vrije wil en wie wil kan kiezen om te gaan leven vanuit het Hoger Zelf.


We worden op vele manieren uitgenodigd en gestimuleerd om dit proces in en aan te gaan. We worden ook op diverse manieren ondersteund in dit grootse proces. Het hele universum ondersteund deze beweging. Krachtige zonneflarden komen met kracht richting de aarde.

Voor velen is het duidelijk dat we niet de enige levende wezens in de kosmos zijn en heel wat mensen zijn er van overtuigd dat er hulp voor deze grote transitie naar de aarde en naar ons gestuurd wordt door vele van die andere wezens die van ergens in deze kosmos komen.

Iedere dag verplaatst de Aarde zich verder in de Fotonengordel en ontvangt ze meer Licht. De Aarde komt zeer binnenkort in een bijzondere uitlijning te staan ten opzichte van Alcyone, de grote Centrale Zon, en de omringende universa. Voor de Aarde een groot moment van transformatie. De Aarde gaat door naar de verhoogde frequentie van de 5e dimensie. Eigenlijk is die verhoging van frequentie al een tijdje gaande. Sinds de jaren ’80 is de hartslag van moeder Aarde -de Schumann resonantie- al aan het klimmen. Er zijn al veel plaatsen op Aarde waar de Schumann resonantie bijna 13 Hz is.

En wij mensen worden uitgenodigd om wakker en bewust mee te gaan in dit proces. Of eigenlijk worden we er gewoon mee geconfronteerd dat dit nu eenmaal gebeurd. Of anders gezegd: vanuit ons Hoger Zelf hebben we er allemaal stuk voor stuk voor gekozen om in deze tijd hier te zijn en dit proces “aan den lijve” te ondergaan. De krachtige energieën die naar moeder Aarde worden gezonden om haar te helpen in haar proces, worden ook naar ons gestuurd om ons door ons proces heen te helpen.


De energie van de 4e dimensie, de overgangsfase, brengt ons de (Fotonen=liefdes) energie van de 4e straal. Dit is het licht dat overeen komt met de frequentie van het hartchakra, het 4e chakra.

Door deze energie met de frequentie van het hart, een frequentie van licht die je ook simpelweg Licht of Liefde kunt noemen, komt alles aan het licht. Soms echter gebeurt dat via verwarring en chaos: we kunnen/willen vaak niet in één keer de stap maken en dan moet eerst het donker aan het licht gebracht worden. Het Licht schijnt dan op alle donkere, verdachte, verborgen en onkuise zaken. Ze komen in het zicht. We gaan ze zien. Niet dat deze dingen, dit onrecht niet al veel langer bestond. Nee het is al eeuwen een onderdeel van de dualiteit waarin wij leven. Maar nu komt alles en wijzelf zo in het licht dat het echt in het zicht komt. Bovendien vibreren we steeds meer op de hartenergie. Dat betekent dat we dingen die niet van het niveau van het hart zijn niet langer pikken. We pikken het niet langer want het voelt niet goed. Het voelt niet eerlijk en echt.

same Nasa url as the last one pleaseOnrecht, leugens, valsheid, oneerlijkheid, bedrog, kleinering, minachting, opzettelijk medicijnen maken die enkel goed zijn voor het farmaceutische bedrijf omdat ze de mensen ongezond houden of zelfs erger de mensen ziek maken; financieel uitgekleed worden door banken die over ons hoofd heen enorme winsten maken met ons huis en ons werk als onderpand; regeringen die slechts enkelen steeds rijker maken; wetenschap die leugens publiceert; media die slechts dat vertellen wat in het straatje van de eigenaar van het mediumapparaat past; rotzooi die in het voedsel dat we eten wordt gedaan; goede geneeswijzen en medicijnen die verboden worden; en ga zo maar door. We zijn het gaan zien, we worden wakker, we pikken het niet langer. Het kan zo niet door gaan.

Alles komt in het licht te staan en ook in ons persoonlijk leven komt alles dat donker en onzuiver is, alles dat op een lager niveau dan de hartenergie vibreert, in het licht te staan. Moeder Aarde gaat door naar de 5e dimensie, een veel hogere vibratie dan de 3e en de 4e. En wij mensen wonen op en in de energie van de aarde. We ontvangen diezelfde hoge energie om samen met de aarde deze frequentieverandering te ondergaan. Uiteindelijk wordt de energie op aarde zo hoog, dat alles wat onder het niveau van de 5e dimensie zit, niet meer op aarde kan bestaan.

Als we deze hartenergie in ons systeem ontvangen terwijl we de 3 wereldse en aardse chakra-lagen, en alles wat daar bij hoort, beleven en ervaren, en als er vanuit de hartenergie Licht wordt geworpen op alle donkere en verborgen stukjes en pijntjes van onze persoonlijkheid, dan vindt er transformatie plaats.

Uiteindelijk is het een proces van Verlichting (zie ook mijn artikel: Ascentie van moeder Aarde, persoonlijke Ascentie en de ‘Dark Night of the Soul’). Verlichting of Ascentie is opstijgen, omhooggaan in frequentie en dus in dimensie. Een deel van het ascentieproces is het verhogen en balanceren van de frequenties van de 7 hoofdchakra’s. Wanneer dit proces zich voltrekt zal het op zeker moment op een punt komen waarbij de chakra’s mooi en krachtig op één lijn staan en je verbinden met je hogere bestaansvorm, Je Hogere Zelf, van waaruit je hier naar aarde geïncarneerd bent.


Als het moment van uitlijning van je chakra’s is bereikt, dan kun je zeggen dat jouw ascentie of je verlichting is bereikt. Dat wil niet zeggen dat het proces van groei en frequentie verhoging dan helemaal klaar is en stopt. Dit proces gaat door tot we als ziel veel hogere frequentieniveaus bereiken, nog meer in eenheid met het goddelijke of de Bron. Maar als deze transitie vanuit de 3e  en 4e dimensie naar de 5e dimensie is volbracht, dan hebben we als mensheid een enorme evolutionaire stap gemaakt. Eentje die ook grote verandering in onze beleving van het leven brengt. Een verandering die je kunt vergelijken met die bijzondere beeldspraak van “de hemel op aarde brengen”. Want in verbondenheid met je Hoger Zelf leef je dan hier je leven op aarde vanuit je hartenergie, in mildheid, zonder oordelen, in onvoorwaardelijke liefde, in een maatschappij waar uiteindelijk niets van onder het niveau van de 5e dimensie kan bestaan.

Bea van Wierst, november 2012 (bewerkt artikel van 2010)

Evolving for the big Shift

Hello dear,                                                                         

This night I woke up having horrible cramps in my lower legs. Something completely new to me, but so bad that I decided to go out of bed at 4 a.m. Thinking about facing the early morning brought me back to the change in sleeping patterns; the period that waking up at 4 a.m. and staying awake for 2 hours happened frequently; the strange physical noises and things in the head, dizziness, getting flushes, aches and pains in my back and more that passed by in 2007 and 2008, and occasionally also in 2010 and this year. Also forgetting many things; not being able to write without many mistakes; not being able to get time, date and other information right in a little note, saying strange things as well as the need to send 3-4 emails, to get out the invitation correctly for a new starting workshop.

And I had to think of the help and recognition I had -and the people around me- sharing these strange experiences and reading about it in the updates of Karen Bishop who wrote all about the different ascension symptoms at that time. So I searched this morning on the web and saw that she is giving her energy rapports again. I hope they can help you when you feel strange and wonder how come.

Also still in bed with my cramps I had to think of an article from Brenda Hofman which I read yesterday about feeling very much ‘there’ but not being surprised when this week more intense emotions would suddenly show up. I wondered whether to repost it here but choose not to and to like and share it on Facebook. But after my experience of this night I feel I do want to share it (see link).

She writes that we may feel and express what ever shows up: laughter, joy, anger and express it as a child which spontaneous shows how it feels.

Also the old personal emotions can surface which want to leave us. And much more good stuff about emotions she shared.

When I went through the article yesterday, I recognized that for me it happened just that very morning. My biggest challenge – as for many people – is the money thing. Of course I created this situation myself to get over it. I’m sure of that.

A bit more than a year ago I realized that I never could complete my ascension process when I wouldn’t let go all my deep hidden fears about ‘not having enough money’ and ‘doing it all by myself’.

I also saw then that when I want to live completely in the 5th dimension, I really had to let go all attachments, judgments, and every old 3rd dimensional thinking pattern or emotion, all including my fears. Or at least my identification with them.

So finally I could take the step to leave my old life, and my family, which already had changed so much. And this last big change works: I’m meeting my fears and transmuting them.

Who Are You…..Really? a beautiful 10 min talk on video of  Gangaji

So although most of the time I feel great, yesterday morning I started my day in bed with an intense emotional clearing meditation. Then the day went on and I felt very good again. The universe reacted straight away with offering some money-help. Maybe it was because I cleared enough of the fear, or because I clearly expressed my need to several people. Or it was the intention I made after the meditation that I create a world which is always in support of me.

It doesn’t matter. For me it is clear that thoughts, deeds and intentions are creating our reality very quickly these days. So we need to really, really be aware of what we say, and which thought and feeling is behind that. Everything in the reality as we perceive it, is a mirror to show us whether we are enjoying and loving life or not. If not then we may look inside which attachment, thought, identification still is there. We may see the judgments or old pattern to let them go, because that is what life is showing us all the time.

When something of the old energy surfaces, we can let it go and then our world will change. When we want to live in heaven on earth we can’t take our old believes and fears with us. Their energy is just too low and they keep you from really passing the dimensional border. So you will go on experiencing life as it is now.

But you are very lucky: you choose to be born now and to make advantage of the big Shift. At this moment almost all of the Cosmos is helping Gaia, Mother Earth, and us with this big change. Lots of energy is send to Mother Earth and nothing can stay in the dark. This is what you see happening around you. Finally we start seeing all the dark and ugly things that have been going on in our world for many eons. Nothing can stay behind. When the light shines on the dark it can’t stay dark. It’s all coming in the light and then it can be transformed and even transmuted.

This same process is happening in our personal lives as well as global. It has to because Mother Earth is changing in dimension. And when she transmutes we have to transmute. We can’t stay on Gaia when we have a different frequency as she has. It is the time for it. Nothing even can stop this process. It is the next step in evolution. From a human being not able to see through the veils, which most of us had to put on when we entered this incarnation, we now evolve into a being without veils. Aware of who we really are: Lightbeings, sparks of God, Co-Creators of this world and finally the I Am. God incarnated in human form.

So I hope that you are helped a bit with my sharing and insights.

Bless you all, Namasté and In L’Akech


Keep Reading: You constantly project your beliefs, and their manifestations constantly “meet you in the face”

A big step in the shift has been made

The very strange thing is that only view people realize this. For quit many something did happen on the auspicious days in December, on the 12-12th and 21-12th and on or around Christmas. But for some it was not the big shift they hoped for, wanted or even expected. So many were disappointed, many felt: you can/could say all this but what is reality? What do I see when I look around me, when I look out of the window, when I see the News, in the conventional media or on the Internet? It is all the same. Nothing seems to have changed, nothing has changed. And some turn around and don’t want to even read anything about the big shift that is happening now. Because they think it is bullshit, it is a fairy tale, another story that promised a lot of good, but when you see what is the result ….

But a beautiful thing did happen: the frequencies did go up a big, big lot! And you can tune in on the new energies very easily now because they are strongly ‘in the air’. And they give you very much, they are very, very powerful. And all you have to do is be conscious of how this New Energy works, what it can give you, what it means for you and humanity, and of course you have to tune in.


I hear some people reacting: what are you talking about? Did I miss something? How this all works then? So we go through this now: yes the energy changed magnificently and you can tune in through all forms of meditation and I recommend the kind of meditation that you can do every minute and second of the day. Alertness or being in the here and now and being conscious of how you are reacting on the world around you and all you experience personally, because when you do you can stay in this higher consciousness more easily.

I give you some simple instruction that you can use, but know that there are many ways to the 5th dimension (actually as many as there are people!).  First connect to your heart and feel the unconditional love there. Relax yourself and allow the beautiful feelings to expand and grow bigger and bigger. You may visualize and/or know that you (can) let in beautiful golden/white light (or light of any color) through your crown chakra and that this powerful (healing) energy fills your complete body, and even flows further and further and that it pours out of your skin into your aura. You can even imagine that all this light flows from you to other people and lightens them up. You can see/feel that this pure love and light makes everything in you and around you lighter (in contrast with the heavy feelings) and brighter and even more joyful and it fills you up with a sweet feeling of love. Unconditional love. Not for someone special  but for all and every one (and yes of course you also can feel this for a specific or special person).



So this is one of the ways you can tune in with the beautiful love energy that is part of the higher frequencies, part of what the 5th dimension stands for. And you can do this as often as you want. Just take the time to do it. You also can do a different routine when you like more to work with mantra’s. Just connect with your deepest knowing of who you are: you are a spiritual being incarnated (gone in ‘carne’ = flesh in French) in a human body. You as spirit have come to this 3th dimensional world and took on the special veils of this dimension, but you still are spirit. Always. And that’s your highest identification, so that is the highest frequency in thought you can connect with. I am Spirit.


You are spirit, you are light and love (because that is what spirit is), you are peace and joy and beauty. You are all these high and beautiful quality’s that you use to attribute on God, on Spirit. So you may identify with that: I am light, I am love, I am peace, I am oneness, and so on. So where ever you are: think these high truthful thoughts and lift your consciousness about who you are, and lift the frequency of thought that flows through you and experience one of the beautiful aspects of the 5th dimension: by thought we constantly create what we feel and experience. Just really do this for some time and experience the benefit of being the one who consciously thinks and who consciously identifies with who you really are. With our thinking we even create our whole life experience. We bring this world into (our) existence by our thinking. So play with it and feel the beauty that it brings you when you keep your thoughts high: you start feeling the love, peace and light which you reclaim You Are by saying: I am love, I am light, I am peace!


So that’s some theory about who or what you are, and also what you can do as a result of being part of the 5th dimension and how to put it in practice. And in this you maybe already can sense one of the traps or difficulty’s of the 5th dimension and the very one why so many people don’t really experience any difference with how life was before and even just a few weeks ago. They don’t use their thinking consciously to raise the vibration; they think tricky thoughts (‘nothing has changed’, ‘it was all bullshit that something would change’, ‘what they told was just a fairy tale’) and they see those thoughts become the truth they see around them and then conform this to be so. And that while you as a co-creator are just trapped in your own vicious circle of thinking and creating! So that’s were you have to be very alert. You have to be conscious about what you think and feel and even what the underlying and unconscious thoughts are that you carry in you. Because reality will take form according your deepest and most sincere beliefs. And in this 5th dimension it takes form immediately.


This is not an easy one for many people, but it is as it is. When you want to go on to be a 5th or higher dimensional being, and experience and live your life in the Golden Age, you really have to live and think it, and you have to leave all 3th dimensional thinking, knowledge, protocols, ideas, lies and everything else that make up the veil of the 3th dimension, behind you. All 3th dimensional frequencies -and with that all 3th dimensional truths- exist only in the veil of the 3th dimension. But they don’t completely disappear from your sight till you really leave all attachment to it behind. So it takes some de-coding or de-conditioning to come out of what has been your truth for quit some time. All you carry from this lifetime, but in your body you carry also the belief systems of many, many ages. Passed to you by the genes, habits, beliefs and culture of the parents you are born and/or raised with. Confirmed by millions and millions of people who thought about the same in many ways, and taught by a schooling system and media that only evolves as quickly as the consciousness of the mass. And it isn’t made more insightful these last years of rapid change with the dark forces controlling media, banks, schooling, science, military, medicine not for evolutionary sake but for personal gains. In contrary it all became an even bigger challenge.


In this ending the challenge for you can be stepping out of your old belief systems, by not buying the things that are taught and told you from a 3th dimensional view. By going inside and putting first things first: by raising your frequencies and thoughts, by connecting with your higher self, by taking responsibility for this all yourself, by knowing that when many people start doing this, many things can change in the outside world in quit a rapid way. The world takes form according to your beliefs. The 3th dimension is formed according to the beliefs of the mass about how life is. The mass looks most of the time to the past, and is projecting this – often added with fear – on the future. They look at the mass media, they follow mass thinking mostly out of fear. Many people walk around with big fear for death and big wishes for security. Many are longing for something better but holding on to the belief that nothing will ever change.

So when you really want to give your support to changing our world; when you really want to: You can make the difference!

You can go inside and doloveflowers the work there that you have to do. Changing your beliefs. Living the New Life and by that other people will start to see that for you something has changed and some people will follow you. And of course you have your own private mission, as mine is to write about these things and to show people this way. That’s why some of us already can feel and live these truths of the 5th dimension: we are the Wayshowers. We open the gate to a complete new way of living and keep the gate open. That’s why we are still here.

And many of us also have to go through deep pains and sorrow because by birth we have gone completely into the veils and also carry the old paradigms in all we are. We maybe understand now what’s going on, but life of the 3th dimension asks us also money for our houses, work for money, relationships that confronts us with old habitual ways of reacting and thinking, and with all kind of old beliefs that we may let go.


And when you need some help then maybe this can do something for you (choose what you like):

We better start living the joy we are and when something triggers us out of our joy we do some inquiry (see the beautiful talk of Gangaji about inquiry Gangaji: Who Are You?: The Path of Self-Inquiry (Complete) 2 hrs 21 min).

Or we do some emotional or mental release (see the nice, simple and very effective way to ease emotional issues, fear and anxiety, which Judy Satori teaches us: ; 2 min.)

And of course for inquiry and release also The Work of Byron Katie can help enormously.

We raise our consciousness through whatever way of meditation.


We forgive all those who we blame, and all those who don’t know who they are and what they are doing (a beautiful and helpful book can be: The Disappearence of the Universe  written by Gary R. Renard, also in Dutch translated: De Verdwijning van het Universum).

And we strengthen our faith in all we can achieve, in all the help we get from Spirit, from all Light beings and/or God.

We express our thankfulness for everything we can feel this for (I do this every night before falling asleep) and we put down our intentions for what we like to achieve, how we like to live our day, who we like to be (this gives me often beautiful feelings to start the day with).

Read more:  THE ARCTURIANS ~ LIVING YOUR HIGHEST POINT OF PERCEPTION ~ Suzanne Lie, PhD. ~ January 4th, 2013

I wish you a joyful, beautiful and very good time,

Namasté and In L’Akech,


Ute Posegga-Rudel: Divine Mother – Dance Your Life, Centered in Stillness!

hello dear Friends,

See and relax in the in-closed video, it is a Beauty for Who You Are.
It brought me All the Love, may it bring You the same,

So much Love, Namasté,rodevogel


Ute Posegga-Rudel:

Divine Mother –Dance Your Life, Centered in Stillness!

As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – January 04, 2013

Here I AM again, your Divine Mother!

Indeed, I AM Divine Mother of every single being, as they are emanations of Myself in different densities or vibrations.

I AM Energy, I AM Vibration, and therefore all things are My Own Form.

Click here to view the embedded video. (10 beautiful Min.)

Mother, That I AM, is not very much known yet by many, as they perceive their reality with the mind. But even mind is My Own Form. Also mind is Vibration. And depending on the quality of your thoughts, they are vibrating either harmonious or disharmonious!

Is it not said, that energy follows every thought?
That is because thought is the first arrow that sends its intention into the Infinite Sea of Energy, to bring about creation.

You, by being aware of the vibratory reality of your existence, are able to rise your consciousness, to ultimately reach levels of awareness, on which you experience the opening to infinity. Then, and only then, you have reached a state where your full potential begins. And it begins there, because only from then all the universes are at your command.

The Key for your journey to this level, where the Grand Opening begins, is Love. You must love All and everything, inside and outside. And you must release all that which is not Love. On this path then you have transformed everything into Love. And then there is nothing you take personally. You are merely an open vessel and conduit for My Energy and Light.

It is not possible to walk this Ascending Path without understanding, that your nature is neither static nor develops in a linear manner! But you all are called to integrate the knowing that you are, as a manifested being, nothing but Frequency.

I AM the Mother of all vibrations, I Myself AM Vibration Itself in Is Highest Form, which Is the Power of Ultimate Light. As Light carries Information, I AM also Consciousness, the Consciousness that Is your Own Very Divine Being.

When Pure Consciousness starts to dominate Vibration with Stillness, the process of creation comes to rest! And the more Vibration dominates Pure Consciousness, the more unconscious one becomes. Therefore seek balance! Dance your life, centered in Stillness!

Now, as you are on the path of a great evolutionary progress, there is much vibratory movement in your body, in your mind and in your emotions, that you can suppress no longer! You must notice and accept it.

Because this, My Movement, liquefies your world, that seems to be solid, and this happens first in yourself, and then outside yourself, the world in which you live.

Understand that My Vibrations start to move ever more Graciously through all your bodies, gross and subtle, to Shake what is stagnant and to bring your evolution about, while you release what does not serve your growth.

Should you have been too closely bound to your world of rigid thought, perceiving it from “outside” through your separating mind, you will experience that this limitation is breaking open, so that you can fill the opening gaps with your allowance, to feel whatever emotion and density comes into your awareness, to joyfully expand what is true of you, and to release what is not.

If you resist this process, holding on too tightly to your concepts of a fixed reality, the coming times will be a challenge for you, as you try to contain a river in a bowl.

You see, what is happening now is my Loving and Graceful Gift to you, to wake you up to Yourself, to the Vibrational Being That You Are.

Your world will no longer be contained in a seemingly solid frame, where over time only very little changes. As it is evolving it will be recognized increasingly as water itself that is in constant move, following the inhale and the exhale of My Divine Heart! Therefore, your world will truly start to live from inside out!

Therefore, let go of your mindful tightness. Allow to feel the nature of your own fluid body and emotion and begin to swim with all your Love and all your Trust in My ever moving Sea of Light! Not planing with the mind, but moving with Its Waves.

Even the air, you are breathing, stands not still. So why should My Very Essence in which your breath arises, not be a surging infinity! My Essence, in Which innumerous vibrational creations come to pass!

Understand that as long as you think your identity as mind merely, you hold on to a peripheral, substitute of yourself. As such you are afraid! It cannot Realize That What You Are. Because you do not Feel your heart, that ever pulsing Core of your Being, physical, ethereal and spiritual.

Therefore many are now beginning to experience how their outer shell of illusionary self-identity is breaking down, – but know My Beloved Ones, that this is no disaster, this is My Highest Blessing!

Because it loosens lovingly your grip on the illusion and draws you back and into the Real You. Your Real You, the Magnificent Being, That You Are, is the Center of all worlds and universes. In fact, all worlds and universes vibrate in and around you, and even as you, while you enjoy their constant flow.

Accept that you are both: Infinite Stillness and Infinite Vibration and Movement and Change. To master the Oceans of change, they must be recognized by you as your tools for enjoyment.

Mind can never truly enjoy. But feeling can, the Feeling of My Divine Qualities of Vibration, Movement and Change, and Bliss and Love.

As you grow, your enjoyment wants to grow, and with it your participation in the Oceans of Existence. This is Your True Home, but you cannot return to It without Me!

I AM, there, available fully to you, where You Stand at the Grand Opening to Infinity, where truly all things are possible!

But first start with your little tool of body and emotion, and recognize and honor them as My Divine Gift to you, to learn about vibration that sets you free. Continue with your greater world, that Is your Blessed Mother Earth.

She Is You, and always Is so very Dear to Me, as One of My Beloved Children. As She vibrates in Resonance with My Divine Womb, I hold Her and all of you, and every being that lives with Her, in My Great Embracing Love.

Trust the Great Divine Process, My Beloved Ones! Allow yourself to Vibrate in Me, with Me and Ultimately As Me!

I AM your Divine Mother!

Message conveyed by

Thinking out of the box and making an intention

Hello my dear,                                                                  Share

I woke up one morning last week and there was this beautiful intention (see further on). I tried to share it with as much lightworkers as possible, but till now the persons/sites I send it to don’t respond. That’s one of the reasons why the question about having a blog triggered this blog into being.

I hope many of us will share and use this intention.

Many people wake up and want the world to be different. People wake up and see everything around them being more exposed. I love it that people wake up and that many of them feel the urge to wake up even more people. And sometimes I want to add a new view about how one can make a bigger change happening. That happened this week when I read 3 or 4 times a text of someone who really wants to do his or her best, but who uses words and views that are keeping them self and/or others smaller than we are. Someone who keeps referring to himself as being ‘not yet there’. Or someone who keeps referring to past knowledge, and with that -if I may say- you belittle yourself and the big shift that’s happening now.

The very moment you say or write that you are ‘not yet there’ you identify with the small 3D mind and person which you also could ignore and/or correct. Because you are NOT a small person, you are God incarnated in a human form and when you call yourself different then that you still believe that you are small.

But you don’t have to believe this. You may identify now with who you really are. God in human form. And when you are still a bit shy: you may say/think of yourself as a spark of God in a human form.

In our personal lives it is all about starting to think out of the box, no longer keeping yourself in the existing paradigm and stepping fully into your multidimensional being, NOW.

So when we then stop dreaming the dream that this World (3D) is real (and the only existing, and that we never/only slowly can change this), then -when we stop dreaming- the dream is over.

And the more lightworkers can do this, the higher the vibrations we can receive -and give- and the more lightworkers wake up and with all the light coming to Mother Earth the old dream can’t keep it’s hold.

So the more we all wake up out of the dream, the more we see and know that ‘reality’ as we experience it now, is only a reflexion/projection of our thoughts, beliefs and intentions. So when we intent to take full responsibility for the dream we dream and the beliefs and thoughts we have, then the new reality can quickly take form, and New Earth rises up in front of our eyes.

It is as finally you may believe you really are God. God in a Human form. And you don’t have to feel embarrassed, unworthy, to small or whatever to be God. You just may be who you are: God in a human form. And when you resonate with this: just put your intention on it.

Here the Intention I woke up with a little while ago. This intention changed my life immediately:

It is my intent to be the Pillar of Light which I have promised to be, and believed to be able to be, and for which I am here right now. It is my intention to receive the light and love from all the light beings who want to and can pass their light and love to me and through me (of course you can fill in names of lightbeings).

It is my intention as an instrument and channel to pass the light and love to Gaia, Mother Earth, and all people on Earth. In order to contribute in bringing all darkness and all low and dark energy frequencies up to the light. Around me and inside me.

It is my intention to transform all thoughts and beliefs to a high frequency level, so that my -our- pineal gland can and will secrete the substances allowing the bridge to the pituitary gland to open and by this the road opens to spirit, the I Am, also known as the Holy Spirit, the Christ Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness or Being.

In this way I -and we- can go beyond programmed beliefs and the ego-personality and be in unity with the divine. In this way I can and we can give expression to my-our Divine Self here on Earth exactly in the way it is intended.

It is my intention to rise above all duality and to think outside the box of pre-programmed thinking. To no longer blame something outside me in duality. To no longer blame someone or something or other people in the outside world for how my life and how life in general unfolds.

It is now my intent to take responsibility for all my creations and for All of Creation. It is my intention to see that everything in this earthly life has had and has the purpose to find God in me again. I intend to embrace love, peace, silence, joy and gratitude in all my being. And to serve the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, of myself, and everyone around.

I forgive myself that previously I wasn’t able to turn around the key of the bridge to the Self. And now it is my intention as Pillar of Light to place all the dark and evil in light and love, outside me as well as inside me; and to see no more distinction and separation, because we are One.

So be it and so it is.

Bless you all, Namasté and In L’Akech


WHAT IF the system as it is, with being rigged, is totally perfect as it is

Hello my dear,                                                                 Share

What we sow so shall we reap. How a man thinketh so he is. So find your highest truth, because that is what you sow, that is who you are.

I like to share this insight with you:

I see what I did the last months and years, I pointed my finger outward. I told many people what was wrong and what needed to change. Now I got this very beautiful insight:  I -and we all- need to go more INSIDE !!!

So I like to share how the big shift can take place for many people in just a little while, when we all contribute our part.

WHAT IF  the system as it is, with being rigged, is totally perfect as it is…

And it is. It is serving the highest purpose for this very moment: It is making you aware of the situation right now. And that is that most people are blaming someone else, or something else, for how rigged they feel, without taking control over their own personal awakening.

Don’t believe the thoughts of the past that pass by. Whoever utters them. Not even my words here on this page. No, go inside and find your own highest truths. And live them. Share them when you want. And let them replace all smaller thoughts and ideas. Take off all your jackets and coats which are too small. De-velope. Don’t let yourself be en-veloped.

Think and believe the highest thoughts you can imagine, and imagine them to be true. Live them as being the truth. And always remember: As a man or woman thinketh so he/she is.

I saw the other day a text that made me write down the basis for this article. Thoughts about enlightenment. Enlightenment is how we called for years the slow proces of one person at the time finding the I Am. Or stepping into Christ Consciousness or Being. And that was my striving for many years. But not anymore. Because all that was written in the past about enlightenment breathed the same atmosphere as the person who wrote down: “Enlightenment can be possible for a few people.” And this guy writes a lot of spiritual articles, has his own website, and he triggerd me. Because this truth is too small for realizing my big dream and wish. It really is too small for getting done the big job I came for on Earth in this rigged time. And I don’t want to believe a thought that is too small anymore. Because only when you believe it “Enlightenment can be possible for a few people” this will be true.


What if you -and everybody else who can see the illusion- take(s) real responsibility for the One life we all live in…

What if you start seeing that the Oneness that used to be only for a few awakened souls is really possible for everybody who wakes up out of the dream…

What if you stop blaming something outside and start taking responsibility for how you think and what you believe…

What if the One Oneness they talk about is really a Oneness and you are part of it…

What if you realize you are already God, or when you are shy: a spark of God…

What if you stop making judgments and live your Godly life and shine your light and love to everybody…

The system is perfect to show you and everybody all about illusion. The system shows you perfectly all the judgements you have.

Some say or think: “How can I gain new skills?” Or you say this “… but I’m not yet there. I have to, I need to learn more.” And what you actually say inside is: I’m not good enough. My dear it is NOW the time that you may let go such a long way of awakening. NOW you may start believing that you are good enough. It is the truth.  (If you are ready and if you believe you are ready.)

Actually: nobody needs to learn anything.

You are God. And you are responsible for living it. For believing it.

Be who you are: I Am

The important thing you should/have to/may do is not to look in the future anymore and not say to yourself (or someone else): you can change or you can make a difference, but: I Am God (now here on this very moment).

Or when you are a bit shy: I am a spark of God. And then realize that every other person and thing and even every situation is the same. The same God. That is to say: there is only oneness.

So why judge yourself -or others- of being something that can’t change quickly (some say: ‘90% that still isn’t awake’ – what a judgement – how you keep the world as it is with your thinking). In my view everybody is and has been always awake. Maybe they were forgotten, maybe they never really thought about it, or maybe they took on a lot of garbage in by being conditioned to be a human. But why blaming yourself or them? Why thinking or telling that you or they should or can make a difference in the future?

Already now at this very moment you are God, if you just realize it. And live it.

Because all is God and all is good.

Stop to be the judge and saying this is right and this is wrong. Stop saying -also behind the sentences you speak out loud- that in some future you can be something.

You Are already. And when you want to experience it, stop denying it and start living it.

In what you say, write, believe yourself to be, or what you think others to be, you make yourself smaller or greater.

Learn to see how you – all of you – all of us – create this uni – verse (this one song) completely in order as how you-we perceive it. Just by acknowledging the very thoughts and believes that someone once told you. So start to correct yourself, start to see which judgements separate you from the one Oneness. Stop adding to the illusion.

In Dutch (I’m from the Netherlands) we have a beautiful word for judgments : oordelen , which I always translate in Oer – delen. ‘Delen’ means separate or split up in parts, and ‘oor’ comes from OER and that word-part you can see as the One source.

So when we make a judgement it is us who is separating the source in different pieces. We split up Oneness in good and bad, nice or not nice, red, green, etc. It doesn’t make a difference how you call something, but as soon as it is a judgement: it is you who is separating yourself of Oneness.


Lets all see our-self and all and everybody else as the Oneness we are. The One God we are.

Lets stop denying that we all shine our pure Godly Light and just shine and love whoever and whatever is out there.

Let’s create the Oneness by being it all-together.

Bless you all, Namasté and In L’Akech
